Food industry
We are adding value with our “Pulse Spray Drying” technology transforming Food Industry products and by-products into powder, with a minimum of energy and opening new possibilities.

Brewer´s yeast
- Brewer´s yeast: from concentrates at 30% dry matter or more, to animal feed or human food ingredient.
- Pomaces: from fiber rich pastes, to new ingredient for human food.
- Okara: from paste to powder for human food. We can also use it as a carrier to dry high fat products.
- Broccoli: from non commercial trimmings, to new ingredient for human food.
- Olive vegetable water: high potassium soluble fertilizer.
- Etc.

Meat by products
- Meat hydrolysates: from concentrates at 70% dry matter or more, to animal feed or petfood ingredients.
- Fresh meat, meat trimmings and MDM: from mechanically milled pastes at 30% dry matter, to new ingredients for human food.
- Blood: to animal feed ingredient.
- Viscera: from mechanically milled pastes at 30% dry matter, to new ingredients for human food, pharma or petfood.
- Etc.

Cod fish
Fish by products
- Fish hydrolysates: from concentrates at 70% dry matter or more, to animal feed or petfood ingredients.
- Fish Trimmings: from mechanically milled pastes at 30% dry matter, to new ingredients for human food: fish flavoring as a natural ingredient.
- Whole fish: from mechanically milled pastes at 30% dry matter (including bones, guts etc), direct to fish meal.
- Seafood: new natural ingredients for human food as seafood flavoring.
- Etc.

Dairy desserts
- Milk, whey, permeates, cheese, … we can atomize them at more than 70% dry matter
- Out to date dairy products: after unpacking, for animal feed ingredient
Do you want to know if you can get business value from some by-product or waste?